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Actual concerts

Kaštan, Praha
+ Edith

Pošta , Benešov
+ Edith

Venus Flag Records illegal illusion's bandzone profile illegal illusion's myspace profile illegal illusion's last fm profile illegal illusion's facebook profile

Posters for show in Potsdam (DE)

28.12.2018 » "Dried Blood Syndrome" NEW ALBUM 2019

Dried Blood Syndrome - our new record will be released on January 22, 2019 (Venus Flag Records) on a CD (digipack). Vinyl will follow later on (12” deep black - to be confirmed).

After inevitable snags (can’t even imagine the new record to be finished smoothly), the album was recorded in a local factory building in Bilovec - quite fast and live. We borrowed equipment from Mirek Mrocek’s HC3 studio (thanks Mirek!). The mixing and mastering was done at the Pulp Studio in Bratislava - huge thanks to Kuba Hribik for creating such a great sound and for his infinite patience!
Album’s cover art was created by Viktorie Prusakova - thanks Viki!

A little background: all that we recorded in the spring of 2016 was deleted - yes, no undo - exept for three songs: Palms, Vitamin and You Smell Like Lambada. Another 7 songs were born later on to make a full album of 10 pieces.
Venus Flag Records was on a side track for that time, we know - not cool - but we’ll do our best to get it back on the map!
Thank you all so much for your patience. We also thank ourselves for being together for all these years.

Can’t wait to see you at the shows!!

24.02.2016 » OSTRAVA / BARRAK / 5.12.2015

24.02.2016 » Klášterec nad Ohří Rockbar Drak 20.11.2015, Chodov Koupák 21.11.2015

24.02.2016 » Orlová - Futra - 24.10.2015

24.02.2016 » BRNO - VEGALITE - 22.10.2015

24.02.2016 » Interview for OSTRAVAN.CZ... about new album and others

24.02.2016 » CRY BLOOD, APACHE! 5.6.2015! Vrbno pod Pradědem!

24.02.2016 » Ostrava / "U Pecivála" / Stodolní str. / Thursday 21.5.2015 / free entry

24.02.2016 » Jeseník + Varnsdorf

24.02.2016 » AAlternativa fest - Havlíčkův Brod + Fest under ground - Jihlava

24.02.2016 » UP AIR RADIO 30.1.2015 v 20.00H - radio show with ILLEGAL ILLUSION

This is radio show "Under The True Color" at UP AIR radio.The show is start with ours song"Fingerprints" from album Things After Death!And the show have name same like our album from 2007 Under The True Color ! Friday 30.1.2015 v 20.00 Illegal Illusion and Waghiss...! Online  30.1.2015 v 20.00 here. from the record here

22.08.2012 » New album Things After Death

Our new record was released on August 1, 2012 in cooperation with our Venus Flag records and Full Moon magazine. Moreover, it was released in two versions: standard CD and CD attached to the August issue of the Full Moon magazine available for subscribers, e-shop orders and selected distributions. The third vinyl (LP) version of the record is going to be released in September/October 2012 in cooperation with Venus Flag records, Piper records and Kachnička Entertainment. The new record containing 10 brand new songs is titled Things After Death. Previews are available at www.bandzone.cz/illegalillusion. For complete CD version, please contact us through e-mail: jiri@illegal-illusion.com (price: 100 CZK + shipping costs).


Usual Hostage
Nit Tip
In a Paper Cap
Smelling Gobi In Sahara
A Pig in a Cage

11.02.2011 » "Festa De La Pohoda 2008" DVD - reviews!!



   DVD reviews here :








  For orders contact us via e-mail jiri@illegal-illusion.com or here  www.phr.cz


19.10.2010 » Liberec Vlak 30.10.2010


14.10.2010 » Oldies rews

Metal Breath-zine no.50 of February 2008 appeared on the Internet in PDF format for free. You'll find the reviews of the album "Day Counting, Counting Night" (2003) and "Under The True Color" (2007), which were unheard-of until now. Check up page 22!










23.09.2010 » Festa De La Pohoda 2008 DVD

A brand new DVD Festa De La Pohoda 2008 from the anniversary 10th festival was released by the Papagájův Hlasatel label. We act there by playing 4 songs live for 16:30 minutes! Here are some other bands, which took part at the festival: P.N.S., Michael´s Uncle, Uštkni, See You In Hell, Gride, Dezinfekce, Ilegality, Svině!, Problem 5, Sociální teror, hUSA
DVD is available from www.phr.cz







06.09.2010 » Písek + Klatovy

20.08.2010 » Bazar and Afrika

02.08.2010 » STREET FEST Open Air 13.-14.08.21010 Stavenice u Mohelnice

Open Air festival devoted to the international Hiroshima Day. The profit will be transfered to the Social Services Agency RES-SEF o.s. !!!

22.07.2010 » Retro-Veto-review available from Musiczone.cz




19.07.2010 » Autopilots + Sparkler

Next two songs Autopilots + Sparkler from  12"EP "Veto" here  http://bandzone.cz/illegalillusion

06.07.2010 » Kubafest 2010 - Václavov u Bruntálu

15.06.2010 » “VETO” review in Spike Special Magazine

Spike Special Magazine 3-10 was released as the attachment to  Spark magazine May issue.

26.04.2010 » The BŘITVA 2009 inquiry !

12” EP “VETO” filled 6th place in the BŘITVA 2009 inquiry in the “MINIALBUM & SPLIT & SINGLE OF THE YEAR”!! We also appeared in the category of “THE BEST CONCERT AND MUSIC FESTIVAL OF THE YEAR” (taking place in the Czech Republic) and we filled 33rd place with Ostrava – Templ club gig. And last but not least we were rated 35th best live-playing band of the year!! Complete results are available here.

Some 2009 live photos added to photo library!


17.04.2010 » 17.04.2010 » Sparkler-live (Sokolík - Frýdek-Místek, 2.10.2009)

18.03.2010 » CZECH BEST VINYL DISK 2009 - results

12“ EP “VETO” won the Vinyl Disc Musick inquiry and filled 1st place in the SP/EP category!! Thanks a lot for your favor!!
We also filled 3rd place in a music critic section. We value that a lot!!
This inquiry was run by Vinyl Disk Musick for the third time. Check out the detailed results, commentary, critic section and individual sections of the inquiry here.

10.02.2010 » CZECH BEST VINYL DISK 2009

Vinyl Disc Musick publishes inquiry CZECH BEST VINYL DISK 2009 containing categories LP and SP/EP. You can support us by voting for our latest 12” vinyl “VETO” nominated in the SP/EP category. Inquiry lasts from 28th January 2010 till 28th February 2010. Vote here.

01.02.2010 » Nora Club Kopřivnice 06.02.2010 – FOR FREE

28.11.2009 » With "Devil" in Fabric

21.10.2009 » Vodňany Rock Bar Pohoda / Žatec Hudební Zkušebna

19.10.2009 » The sixth "VETO" review by Marasjakcyp.com !!


09.10.2009 »  The fifth VETO review available from Rock Storm


29.09.2009 » 29.09.2009 » Report from the Jam club available from Innocence-music.com


22.09.2009 » The Fourth "VETO" review available from irockshock!


14.09.2009 » Three gigs with FLY FLY FLY !!!

FLY FLY FLY is a band consisting of 2/3 (guitar, voice + bass) of legendary LANDMINE SPRING. There is a support band SOCIAL PARTY in Ostrava and Opava and NOISE PARADE in Nový Jičín.

08.09.2009 » !!!!!!! ON AIR !!!!!!! ON AIR !!!!!!! ON AIR !!!!! ON AIR !!!!!!!

On Thursday 10.09.2009 at 8 p.m. we’re going to be the guests of Igor Vašut in his radio show on the Český Rozhlas Ostrava!!  Tune-in 99,0 MHz or 107,3 MHz (Ostrava), 105, 3 MHz (Třinec), 102,6 MHz (Opava) and 95,5 MHz (Bruntál). Hear us online on http://www.rozhlas.cz/audio/vysilani/#ostrava

25.08.2009 » Photos from Rockshock and M-club

Some photos from Rockshock Open Air festival in Vyškov by Hynek Kocourek and some from M-club in Bílovec by Lucie Lukačíková added to photo gallery.

17.08.2009 » With the “Thieves” at the “Crime scene”…

…where even owls aren’t what they are supposed to be… (Bílovec)… at the non-club-performance time (August) … in the non-time club (M-club liven up just for this gig)…

23.06.2009 » Charity benefit music festival Uničov 27.06.2009

The whole benefit from this festival development plan of these two organizations: “Football and development” and “Czech republic against poverty”. Every single visitor makes a contribution in improvement of the great number of people with bad life conditions.

02.06.2009 » The third "Veto" review available from Diycore.net

Read heeeeree!!

18.05.2009 » Photos from B29

Several photos from B29 club in Vyškov heeeeree

11.05.2009 » Photos from Africa club

Several photos from Africa club in Bruntál heeeeereee

21.04.2009 » The second “Veto” review available from Whiplash

...in a Whiplash magazine

16.04.2009 » The first “Veto” review available from Vinyl Disk Musick

Review Vinyl Disk Musick

16.04.2009 » BRAK PRESENTS

20.02.2009 » New 12'' LP!! Special engraved vinyl!

Special vinyl edition 12'' LP with name "VETO". Five new songs at the A side and engraved drawing at the B side. For those who can't play LP we will add CD for free (ask for it) which contains all 5 songs and also some multimedia. You can't buy only CD!

veto Price: 250Kč / 10€ / 13$
Order at: illegal.illusion@tiscali.cz

Or in distribution:
X production
Samuel Records
Magick Disk Musick
Day After
Silver Rocket

Blog X production
